Hi Charlotte, I hope you’re doing fine today!
Billy wrote and produced the new record. How was it for you to get introductions of your band mate?
Billy was a great producer to work with! In general I really enjoyed this way of making an album, as I had a lot more time to work on what I wanted to do in each song. I think mainly, Billy just captured our live sound so well, which gave the record a great energy.
How comes that you have so many singing parts in this new record? Was it your idea and did you write those parts?
I’ve gradually become more confident singing, it’s not always been something I find easy or enjoy. I loved having a lot of time to work on vocal parts for this album, it allowed me to be more creative and have some fun with singing.
Which were the biggest difficulties on producing the album all by yourself?
I think knowing when it was finished was a big thing to work out! It was also a very stressful process for Billy, although ultimately he did enjoy it.
Would you produce another album completely by yourself or rather put the management in charge again?
I think we would consider it again, we’re really pleased with how it worked out this time.
I watched an interview of the Blood Red Shoes lately and they like to not talk about their songs in detail because they want to give their fans a chance to make their own thoughts about the lyrics. You explained what your songs are all about. Why did you chose this way?
I think if we’re asked questions in interviews, we’re pretty open. If people are interested in our song meanings, we’re happy to explain.
Your album is already available on soundcloud. Isn’t it counterproductive for the sales or is it a better way to keep your fans excited because they already know what is coming?
I think it’s cool to preview songs for hardcore fans, it seemed to work pretty well this time round.
What’s your favourite song on the album and why?
I think for me it’s probably ‚Taking All The Blame‘, I’m really proud of that song.
One day til release day. How excited are you? What are your hopes, wishes or expectations?
Our ambitions are more related to playing live: there’s still so many places we’ve not played, like South America. We’re really proud of this album though, and the opinions of our fans will always be really important to us.
The comic artwork of the new record is stunning, who had the idea for it and what’s the background story of it?
A fan of ours called Zash who lives in Hungary, posted a poster design on our Facebook page. It featured the characters of ourselves that are in the artwork and we thought it looked really cool. We approached her to ask if she would do the album artwork and she said yes!
You’re already on tour, how did your fans like the new stuff live? Do you have any response yet?
The new songs seem to be going down well, which is really exciting!
Your support band is barely known yet, how does it come you chose them? Is there a story?
Kill It Kid, Purple and Dune Rats are supporting us throughout the tour – we think they’re all awesome!
You’ll play a bunch of festivals in summer, but it’s just a few so far. Will there be more, especially in Germany?
There will definitely be some in Germany….announcements will be made soon 🙂
Festivals do have an own special atmosphere because of the huge amount of people and the insane energy. But concerts are more intimate and the focus lays on you as a band. What do you prefer?
I think we’re so lucky that we get to do both – you’ve perfectly described what is awesome about both!
‚Young For Eternity‘ was not only a title, it represented who you were and I think who you still are when I see you live. But life must be different now: You are married, have kids – you are grown up. How much ‚Young For Eternity‘ is still in you?
I reckon there’s still quite a bit in us! The attitude of youth is still there….
Speaking about the debut: It’s 10 years since the release of ‚Young For Eternity‘. Congratulations! How did you change since then and where do you see yourselves in another 10 years?
I hope we’ll still be here, having fun and rocking out!
Thank you so much for spending your time on that and for the opportunity to support you further here in Germany! I hope you’ll have an incredible night and I wish you all the best for your upcoming album and tour!
Das Interview führte Maria