HERD Interview
13. September 2019 21:28
K-Pop is the current shit with sold out concerts and increasing record sales all over the world. But what about K-Indie? Never heard of it? Well, maybe you should continue reading then.. We talked with Korean band HERD about everything you should know about a massively underrated music genre. „As you know, people take more time to understand songs in foreign languages and they don’t get its meaning directly; that’s exactly what I want. Hi guys, we’re glad to have you here! First of all
She‘s A Woman Interview
7. November 2018 23:36
„Astrid, du musst echt wieder auf die Bühne, dann sieht alles wieder anders aus.“ Wir alle kennen den Kindheitstraum Sänger_in zu werden. Du hast daraus Realität werden lassen. Was ist deine Geschichte? Ich kann mich noch ziemlich genau daran erinnern, als meine Mama in unserem Wohnszimmer saß und im TV ein Konzert von Tina Turner ansah. Die Energie und Bühnenpräsenz hat mich damals so umgehauen, dass ich ab da „Rockstar“ werden wollte. Das steht übrigens auch in all den ausgefüllten
Tom Grennan Interview
9. Juli 2018 20:53
Tom Grennan spielte in seiner Jugend Vereinsfußball und hatte sogar die Möglichkeit professioneller Fußballer in den Staaten zu werden. Der britische Sänger entschied sich allerdings dagegen, um sich seiner Leidenschaft, der Musik, zu widmen. Mit „Lighting Matches“ ist vor kurzem nun das Debütalbum des Briten erschienen, der erste große Meilenstein. Als Tom Grennan sich dazu entschied, bei Luton Town F.C. auszusteigen, ahnte der Singer-/Songwriter noch nicht, wie sehr er das Fußball spielen mal
Joshua Hyslop Interview
21. Februar 2018 20:52
„I’d say it’s somewhere between >I just won the lottery< and >I might throw up<.“ How did you get into music? I’ve always loved music and always liked to sing, but I didn’t pick up the guitar until I was about 15. A good friend of mine also started playing then and we taught ourselves. We became a band that was basically a sort of wannabe Simon and Garfunkel thing and we played all the time. We even made a full length record when we were 17. You’re not a newbie in music business
SYML Interview
12. Februar 2018 20:58
„But it’s a little bit funny, it’s all a bit weird, right?“ It’s so nice to finally meet you and to see you play tonight. What are your feelings about the recent tour and the release of your btw phenomenal album? Yeah, well it’s really fun whenever you get to release an album that you had done for a long time, it’s a little weird though because you’ve spent all this time building up to something and then it’s just out and people can hear it. Yeah hopefully the feedback’s good and positive
Giant Rooks Interview
16. September 2017 20:41
Wie seid ihr zur Musik gekommen? Frederik: Also bei mir war das eigentlich so, dass ich auf irgendwelchen Kartons rum gehauen habe und dann hat mein Vater mich irgendwann zum Schlagzeuglehrer geschickt. Das war auch relativ früh, mit fünf oder so, glaube ich. Also mit Schlagzeug habe ich erst angefangen und die anderen Instrumente sind dann dazu gekommen. Ich spiele noch Gitarre und Klavier, das habe ich mir eigentlich selber beigebracht. Das Lustige ist, Finn, also der Gitarrist und ich sind Cousins
Kadebostany Interview
9. August 2017 16:48
You created your own little republic Kadebostan, where does this idea come from? Kadebostany: I thought there were too many bands and I’ve started to search for a way to stand out from the mass. This idea came to me like thunder strike, all the concept with the uniform, the communication process, the aesthetic etc… Your first album had its release date in 2011, now 2017 there will be the second album. What can we expect and has the process of making an album changed through the years? Kadebostany
Mando Diao Interview
7. Juni 2017 11:54
Mando Diao hatten nach dem Ausstieg von Sänger und Gitarrist Gustaf Norén die wohl mit Abstand schwierigste Zeit ihrer bisherigen Karriere. Nach 18 gemeinsamen Jahren entschied der Frontmann sich gegen die Band und ließ nicht nur Kollegen, sondern auch Freunde zurück. Dass die schwedische Rockband sich aber von so einem Rückschlag erholen kann, möchte sie jetzt mit ihrem neuen Album ‚Good Times‘ beweisen. Als Björn Dixgård und Daniel Haglund Mitte der 90er Jahre ihre erste Band Butlers
Circa Waves Interview
25. Mai 2017 23:06
We got the chance to do an interview with Kieran Shudall and Joe Falconer – half of the incredible Circa Waves – in a small flat on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn where they played an accoustic set in a foreign bed for our friends of In Bed With… (you can watch it here and here). After this intimate sort of private concert we sat down on a very green couch and the whole mood was pretty comfy and relaxed. There’s always a lot gone missing of that mood when you write down an interview
Manchester Snow Interview
14. April 2017 21:12
Jede Band hat eine Geschichte – was ist Eure? Manchester Snow: Eigentlich ziemlich klischeemäßig: Drei musikbegeisterte junge Buben lernen sich durch die Schule kennen (oder sind sogar fast Nachbarn) und haben eines Tages dann die Idee eine Band zu gründen. Alles Weitere war eigentlich genau so, wie man es sich vorstellt oder es aus Filmen kennt: komische Frisuren, noch komischere Songs und so nahm dann eigentlich alles seinen Lauf. Irgendwann wurde alles dann professioneller und jetzt stehen
Vérité Interview
14. April 2017 21:01
Your voice is absolutely stunning and seems well trained – did you have a professional education or is it just natural talent? Vérité: Thank you! I’ve recently started taking voice lessons to learn to control my voice better, but other than that I’ve figured out how to sing on my own. Your debut album ‚Somewhere In Between‘ will be released on June 23rd – What may we expect of it and what are you most excited about? Vérité: My goal was to make a cohesive statement, where each song has
Jordan Mackampa Interview
5. April 2017 19:38
You have an amazing and clear voice. Did you grow up in a musically family or how did you get into music? Jordan: Thank you very much – Well, my mother likes to tell people that I could sing before I could actually talk, but my family was definitely musical, I used to watch her sing in church, wishing I could do the same thing. She’d also play gospel music from my country (Congo DR) at home all the time, as well as more contemporary artists that she liked such as Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson
Planetarium Interview
4. März 2017 14:12
Hin- und hergerissen von der unendlichen Weite der künstlerischen Freiheit und den Vorgaben der Musikindustrie, versuchen Planetarium mit ihren Liedern das Lebensgefühl und den Zeitgeist mit ihren Zuhörern zu teilen. Frontfrau Julia Leimenstoll verrät im Interview, wie man Musik lernen kann, was Selbstverwirklichung heutzutage bedeutet und welcher Druck auf einer Newcomer-Band lastet. Drei Männer, eine Frau – wie habt ihr euch gefunden? Julia: Beim Studium! Wir haben alle zusammen Musik studiert
Giant Rooks Interview
22. Februar 2017 20:11
When I’m shivering in the morning dust again Then I sliver stale bread and give it to the doves They’re fluttering around me at the old market-place And then I worship somehow when we’re thinking out loud What’s the chapel of mine? I begged you as we walked the brown meadows All colours were much more intense cause it’d rained before Eben waren sie noch Support für Von Wegen Lisbeth und keinen Monat später geht es schon auf eigene Headline-Tour durch die Lande. Die Rede ist von den Newcomern
Samm Henshaw Interview
24. Januar 2017 17:49
You started with Gospel. How much influence does this still have? Far too much (laughs). Whenever I’m back home, I must play at my dad’s church. I still listen to it and I think it’s just a part of my faith so I’m just going to keep it. How did you get into music? Pretty much through the church. I was always being surrounded, even if I was not playing. I knew so many people that played music in the church band or that were interested in music. My dad would just play music
Rationale Interview
17. Januar 2017 20:28
How did you get into music? Rationale: I think as a kid I grew up around music. I grew up the first eight years of my life in Zimbabwe, Harare in Africa and the first musical memory that I have is going to a part called Mbare which is basically in the sticks, which is out of the city where everybody is coming and going and we play different kinds of instruments. Like a box instrument which is called ‚Mbira‘ which is a box with metal reeds and I remember watching people do that. When
Dan Owen Interview
30. Oktober 2016 18:56
How did you get into music? Dan: I’d say it all started when who was to be my guitar teacher came into school when I was nine. Yeah he stood up in front of the school and played “she’ll be coming round the mountain”, a kids song and from that I was just like “I wanna learn guitar” (laughs). So when I was nine I started getting lessons at school and things like that and after them lessons I sort of started doing gigs with my sister in his light. He was playing gigs and in his breaks me and my sister
Hearts Hearts Interview
19. Oktober 2016 11:02
Wie kamt ihr zur Musik? David: Ja, die Band ist zusammen gekommen mhm… Also ich hab den Daniel kennengelernt, das war so am Anfang von unserem Studium und wir haben dann angefangen, gemeinsam Musik zu machen. Aber eher locker und anders, eher Singer/Songwriter-mäßig und das haben wir so eineinhalb Jahre gemacht und dann haben wir uns überlegt, musikalisch doch in eine andere Richtung zu gehen. Dann haben wir den Johannes und den Peter Paul kennengelernt und es war dann sofort klar, dass
Lola Marsh Interview
17. Oktober 2016 18:07
Is Lola Marsh an allegory of a real person as it’s none of your names? We didn’t have a name for our duo for a really long time. When we wanted to advertise our first show we realized that we have to write something on the banner, right? We brainstormed for a few days and came up with a bunch of names, including “The Lost Penguin”, “One Night Zebra”, “The Dreamers”… I guess „Lola Marsh“ just sounds better. How did you get into music? Gil: I grew in a musical house and since I remember
Foreign Diplomats Interview
10. Oktober 2016 22:22
Sometimes it would come in useful to be a diplomat, wouldn’t it? Would you sometimes need to claim diplomatic immunity? (everyone laughs) Emmanuel: Sometimes it’s not cool when you try to find what’s new on web and you’re looking for Foreign Diplomats on Google and got loads of stuff going. It’s not easy every day. Charles: We never got an advantage of that name. Antoine: We should use it to find some parking. (all agree) Thomas: At the airport maybe! Élie: And not pay at the restaurant. “We’re
Declan McKenna Interview
4. Oktober 2016 20:13
You won the Glastonbury talent contest when you were aged 16. Did you ever expect that success that early? Declan: Not at all really… I just kind of did it. I didn’t expect anything to come out of it and yeah, I won… They have get me a slot at Glastonbury which is really, really good. And now I play that twice which is amazing. I never expected that aged 16 and then 17 to be playing there again, like it’s amazing! How did it come you took part? I took part online for the competition in January and
Blaudzun Interview
2. Oktober 2016 16:12
How did you get into music? Blaudzun: I grew up in a family where my mum and dad played lots of instruments and were in bands and stuff, making music all the time, so I grew up listening to music, playing music. There was a guitar in the house; there was a piano in the house… that was my way into music, yeah. What does music mean to you? Blaudzun: Oh that’s a big question. (thinks) I think that it’s one of the great art forms to express yourself, maybe the biggest. Most important to me. It’s a very
We Are Wolves Interview
28. September 2016 19:32
We are wolves… are you? And if so, why? Vincent: It’s a while ago, I don’t think we are wolves. It was more about the idea that wolves are hanging around in communities, like really tight communities. So yeah, that was the idea: Sharing a common goal with different people. How did you get into music? Alexander: Really by accident. We’ve been students in art school and we knew a little bit how to play our instruments, but not really and we started talking to each other and
dePresno Interview
27. September 2016 22:28
Your name sounds extraordinary, like a type of coffee or the interpretation of “no depressions”. What is the story behind it? Maybe that’s what I would do for like merch: coffee. (laughs) Umm, the story behind is, as you can tell I’m very Spanish looking. My great-great-grandfather is from Spain. And he and his family came to Norway to buy fish and sell wine. But then he got really seasick. So they just left him in Bergen, which is the city where I’m from and they never came to pick him up again
I Heart Sharks Interview
22. September 2016 23:01
Ich habe in Bremen zum ersten Mal eines Eurer Konzerte besucht und war schlichtweg begeistert. Diese Energie, der ganze Laden hat gebebt – wie fühlt sich das von der Bühne aus an, wenn man schon als Zuschauer Gänsehaut bekommt? Wenn man einmal auf der Bühne stand, egal ob vor 10 oder 10.000 Leuten, ist es danach sehr schwierig dieses Gefühl mit irgendetwas anderem zu vergleichen. Als I Heart Sharks Newbie muss ich die Frage stellen, bitte verzeiht mir: Warum eigentlich Haie und nicht Delfine? Und
I Am Jerry Interview
14. August 2016 0:36
Ich finde jungen Menschen kann man nur mit auf den Weg geben, dass sie doch bitte zur Hölle das tun sollen, wo sie gut drin sind, was ihr Talent ist und was sie am meisten mögen. Für eine junge Band habt Ihr schon ziemlich viel vorzuweisen: Rock am Ring, Plattenvertrag bei Warner Music, jetzt bald Hurricane und Southside. Und das alles noch vor dem ersten Album. Wo soll das mit Euch noch hinführen? Tja, wo soll das mit uns noch hinführen? Das wissen wir ehrlich gesagt auch selber gar nicht. Aber
14. März 2016 20:56
Die Musik auf die Reihe kriegen und der Rest wird sich ergeben… Danke Jungs, dass Ihr Euch etwas Zeit für dieses Interview nehmt. Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet bisher einen schönen Tag. 2015 war ein großartiges Jahr für Euch. Ihr habt Eure ersten Songs online herausgebracht und seid jetzt auf dem Weg zu Eurer ersten Headliner-Tour in Großbritannien. Wie fühlt es sich an auf einmal so viele Menschen weltweit zu erreichen? Es ist ein großartiges Gefühl zu wissen, dass die Musik, die wir schreiben, so
30. Januar 2016 3:20
Get the music right and everything else will follow… Thanks guys, that you’re taking some time for this interview. I hope you had a good day so far.2015 was a great year for you. You’ve released the first tracks online and now you’re on the way to your first headline tour in the UK. How does it feel to reach a lot of people all over the world now? It’s a great feeling knowing that the music we are writing is reaching so many people. When we first started writing songs
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Interview
9. Juni 2015 9:49
Suicide’s easy, what happened to the revolution? I’m glad to finally see you in Berlin this year after 13 years since my last BRMC show. What led you to the idea of an additional concert to the planned festivals in Germany? We were going to keep it pretty short and sweet, but we wanted to add a few more shows of our own. Festivals can be fun but they’re also really tedious if that’s the only thing you do day after day after day. You’ve released ‘Specter at the Feast’ in 2013, which was a quieter
To Kill A King Interview
2. April 2015 14:12
‚Everything is involved with music, every day, every hour.‘ (Ralph Pelleymounter) Welcome to Hamburg. Ralph: It’s lovely to be back, we really like Hamburg. We had some really good times here. You also have friends here. Ralph: Yeah, sort of. They become friends. There’s a group of people that let us crash on our first time here because we couldn’t effort any hotels and then they kind of became friends. And we are seeing them tonight even though we’re not necessarily
The Subways Interview
16. Februar 2015 17:23
Hi Charlotte, I hope you’re doing fine today! Billy wrote and produced the new record. How was it for you to get introductions of your band mate? Billy was a great producer to work with! In general I really enjoyed this way of making an album, as I had a lot more time to work on what I wanted to do in each song. I think mainly, Billy just captured our live sound so well, which gave the record a great energy. How comes that you have so many singing parts in this new record? Was it your idea